Wellity wellity wellity... im nearly done?
this has been a success. I am reasonably happy with it for a start, and i managed to take it to a level above what i thought i might be able to achieve (which is funny because in a way i know i can do better still, but it did surprise me with how well it worked)
Turns out this year has had a MUCH larger effect on me that i thought. When im painting, i think of all the main important things unconciously, which is good. I use photoshop and painter so much more efficiently, and all those brush tricks and shit are actually starting to be useful. and I managed to keep my interest in this for longer than i thought too. Maybe 10-20 hours?
If u guys can pick anything u think needs changing - maybe some colour/lighting issues i cant see etc, id appreciate it. IF i can change it, thats even better.
Crit me hard. This is like my exam piece or something, im seeing what my 'bar' is set at.

edit - its a book cover. Hence the composition. The spine goes straight down the middle on that post thing. and space above/below characters is for title and author. Most of back is covered with text too.