Saturday, 24 April 2010


According to a previous conversation, we need more fist pumping.


Might fix this up a lil later!

Friday, 16 April 2010

Paper joe Dummy

Two of the spreads I'll be attempting to colour throughout the night for the next week.

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Wednesday, 7 April 2010


Because no one else wants to.

Dunno what you chumps are up to, but i thought i better post something.
Actually been doing a fair bit of work, being working daily and posting it up on in my sketchbook, getting ..some.. feedback and whatnot. Also just whoring myself out. But i thought i should post some of my morsels.

(EDIT - my side bar has dissapeared on the main blog page, same for everyone?)

Some small photo studies, 5-10 mins each...

Some random mech/suit

Some fashion studies from a japanese fashion blog

Some Blade Runner screen cap studies

Mike Mignola study/conversion to a painting.